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Camera Club 

IMAGE School Camera Club

We meet once a month at various locations and times. This Meet up is designed to not only get everyone out shooting but also to meet other students and hopefully forge friendships so you have "photography 'friends".  All are welcome and please feel free to bring significant others, kids and pets(where permitted). I am always there and available to answer any questions.


Click on the links below to find out when and where the next meet up is and sign up. There is a nominal fee of $10.00 per person to attend  cover administration costs.

Critique Nights


Being critiqued on your photos is difficult but a very necessary part of the process of becoming a good photographer. You need to be able to identify what works and what doesn't work for your images. You should also be able to look at other people's image and understand why the image is compelling or is missing something.


My photo critique sessions will offer you constructive criticism and also teach you what you should be looking for and how you can solve 'problems' either in camera or post process.


Each month is a new theme and you will bring in 3-5 edited images on a flash drive.

Facebook Group

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This is an Facebook Group "Yvonne's Camera Club" is  extension of the Camera Club. This is a place that students from my past and upcoming classes and "meetups" can post their photos for review. You can find out about upcoming classes and events.


This is a place to share your images with other students that you may know or have met at a meetup. Please fell free to post photos you have questions about or you are looking for an opinion on.  I am happy to answer any questions about photography, Photoshop and Lightroom.


Click on the link below to JOIN!

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